Thursday, April 30, 2020

Mike Tyson Quotes

Everyone has a Strategy till you get punched in the face.
A man that’s a friend of everyone is an enemy to himself.
Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth.

As long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want.
I just want to conquer people and their souls.
Everybody's got plans... until they get hit.
My biggest weakness is my sensitivity. I am too sensitive a person.
I'm a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds.
I'll go back and take what the people owe me.
I don't understand why people would want to get rid of pigeons. They don't bother no one.
When Jesus comes back, these crazy, greedy, capitalistic men are gonna kill him again.

Mike Pharse is reworded:
"People were asking me [before a fight], 'What’s going to happen?,' " Tyson said. "They were talking about his style. 'He's going to give you a lot of lateral movement. He's going to move, he's going to dance. He's going to do this, do that.' I said, "Everybody has a plan until they get hit. Then, like a rat, they stop in fear and freeze.' "

From Quora
Mike Tyson’s quote was a variation of Joe Louis’s old saying “everyone’s got a plan until they get hit.”
Mike was saying, once a fight begins, everything is uncertain except the will and energy of the combatants.
The original quote by Louis, and Mike’s version of it, both refer to the simple reality that an old military quote makes clear.
No plan survives first contact with the enemy” which derived itself from the nineteenth-century Prussian Field Marshal Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Molke. He wrote in 1880, “No plan of operations reaches with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main force.”
The Duke of Wellington is also credited with saying “strategy ends when combat begins.”
In other words, you can plan, and strategize all day every day - and the second a fight begins, anything and everything can happen, and the plan is out the window. Molke the Elder also believed that the best strategist should prepare a series of options, with tactical flexibility to adapt, since your master strategy would be obsolete the moment it was deployed.
The reality is, in any sort of combat, whether it is military or in the ring, a master plan never survives past the first blow. There are simply too many variables for any person to plan successfully for them all. The best strategy is to have options predetermined and hope that is enough…
Mokle the Elder also wrote: “If in war, from the beginning of the operations, everything is uncertain except such will and energy as the commander carries in himself, there cannot possibly be practical value for strategy in general principles, rules derived from them and systems built up upon the rules.”
In other words, and again, what Mike was saying, there is limited practical value in strategiszing to use this or that move, because once a fight begins, everything is up in the air, and uncertain, except for the will and energy of the combatants.
Frankly, that is one way you can tell someone like Tony Kent, who actually has fought, from someone like Bob Garrett, who has not. The non-fighter believes you can plan this and that move to unfold like a fine script. The real fighter knows better - of course you should plan and train, but the ultimate ability for any fighter is the ability to adapt in real time in the ring as the unknown occurs.
And my friend Jon Jones is absolutely right that this principle applies to life itself.
Planning for the future is good, but it is also good to remember that “man proposes and God disposes.”

Well, what he meant was as Jon Jones has explained.
The reason this quote has been widely picked up both inside boxing and other martial arts is becuase a lot of people can spend a few hours punching a bag or doing kata, and get to thinking that they’re pretty hot shit.
But bags and thin air don’t punch back.
So bag-punchers and kata-ists can go into a fight thinking something like ‘first I’ll open him up with the jab, get him blocking high, then I’ll close and go low for the body, then I’ll maybe throw in a couple of hooks, and then it’s done and done’.
Which is all fine…until they get punched in the face, and realise that just because they have a plan, doesn’t mean that the other guy has agreed to follow it, and indeed almost certainly has a completely different and rather contrary plan of their own. Which they are now going to have to take into consideration and compensate for on the fly.

It means that it’s very hard to think straight, plan, and fight effectively when you’re scared, angry, full of adrenaline, and likely concussed. It’s a retort against armchair martial artists who are full of tricks and tactics that they don’t understand would be very hard to pull off when your eyes are swelling up, your balance is wavering and your heart is pounding.
It’s the same in most combat situations. The army spends a lot of time training it’s recruits to overcome that fear of death, because when shot at most people freak out, forget everything they ever knew about tactics, and end up firing wildly at shadows. When a champion kickboxer is hit over the head with a bottle in bar there’s a good chance he’ll turn round and wildly swing some telegraphged haymaker in the general direction of his opponent, the same as any other bum.
Put simply, the ability to stay calm, stay focused, and remember your training is a completely separate skill. One that can be just as important as your actual physical skills and tactics.
There’s also the fact that all plans hinge on basic assumptions. If you’re planning to dance around a slower opponent, you’re pretty much screwed when you step badly and sprain your knee. If you’re planning to go all out with the big haymakers for the KO, that plan will start looking decidedly more shaky when it turns out your opponent is an excellent counterpuncher.
What are you going to do then? If your answer is ‘hesitate’ or ‘keep to my doomed plan’, then you’re not going anywhere but the canvas.

Well he was referring to the plan boxers have to win a fight. And the quote is actually punched in the mouth. He meant that the deer in the headlights shock of being hit disrupts plans.
And rather like John Lennon's : life is what happens when you're busy with other plans, Mikes aphorism is actually quite deep, particularly for a pugilist, and the meaning can be read as deep and intelligent in contrast to the violence implicit in the actual words.
It was a quote one would expect Ali to fire off. And shows Tyson to be a much sharper man than his reputation and actions might suggest.

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